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For Hintaquamie
© 2021 by Anna Lee Walters
Iwasde (Gone)
I blow a kiss to you through the eithers.
My kiss sails unblocked by dense or concrete matter.
I blow a kiss to you beyond the eithers.
Outside any box of fixed memory or those restricted places,
you exist untethered,
the cell of all which was and passed,
yet goes around again, preordained to be.
I blow a kiss to you through the eithers.
My kiss sails unblocked by dense or concrete matter.
I blow a kiss to you beyond the eithers.
Now here I stand in a sweeping gravitational swirl.
You are overhead, always moving, an effervescent rainbow.
My kiss finds you in your ethereal space.
It lands on you. Just like that we are united again.
I blow a kiss to you through the eithers.
My kiss sails unblocked by dense or concrete matter.
I blow a kiss to you beyond the eithers.